LA FONDATION BACCHUS est une entité sonore adepte de la philosophie eurodance dite du « No Limit ». Elle regroupe d'anciens scientifiques aux pouvoirs sensationnels ayant pris l’initiative de confectionner un méga-computer-synthétiseur mystique sans précédent. Cette machine inouïe régurgite les sons et les prières célestes dans un magma d'ondes sinusoïdales qui transcende les concepts les plus abscons tels que le psychédélisme, l’ambient, le drone, le rock progressif, la musique concrète et électronique.
Des mises à jour enrichissent régulièrement le contenu auditif produit par les Bricktechniciens et leur incroyable machine alimentée par La Brique Technique, une substance qui tient lieu de Pierre de Rosette et au sujet de laquelle personne ne dispose de réelle information concrète pour l’instant.

LA FONDATION BACCHUS is a sonic entity without limits, a team of former scientists and mystics, who shall be referred to as Bricktechnicians, who decided to join forces and combine their mental powers into a mega-computer/synthesizer able of transcending sound and mind in a magma of sine waves destined at surrounding you in the most lavish of absurdist sound concepts. Said concepts have been known to be referred to as "psychedelic", "ambient", "drone", "progressive", "rock", "concrete" or even "electronic".
These sonic offerings from our roster shall progressively be made available from this very place, with added liner notes and potential bonus material included.
Additionally, information about La Brique Technique (the driving force and Holy Substance of the Bricktechnicians) shall be provided in due time.


Irureta is the resident all-star band from La Fondation Bacchus, the bricktechnician's dream team. From left to right on the picture above: Otto Domingo, Omar Garita, Bernold Delgoda, Zachary Oswald, Gilbert Térazas and Derec Lemago.

What is it about? Old school / vintage sports like Football or Formula 1, charcuterie / sausages, pâtés, weed, cats, delicious beers, and red wine. Also : space traveling, Derrick, absurdist comic books and drawings, mad scientists worldwide, south american countries, exploitation films, early electronics

Irureta shamelessly loots : indie-rock, synthesizer music, psych/post-rock, math-rock, afrobeat, sound collage, lo-fi music, and certainly more. That said, Irureta, in the end, is just Irureta. Except for a couple of us, we often change instruments.

Until now:
Les Bricktechniciens de l'Infernal (2007)

Rayon Bacchus (2006)
Presque Full Bourgogne (2005)
Forêt de Jambes Cassées (2004)

100% Pur Sport (2012)
Casher EP (2012?)